Saturday, February 13, 2010

Come together right now, over me

(Sidebar: is it cocky to use a Beatles' song to describe an event about me?)

For those who are unfamiliar with the United Church, this is what you need to know; we in the United Church we love a good covenanting service. A covenanting service is a way to mark the beginning of a relationship. Based out of the scriptural witness of Noah, Abraham and of Jesus, the covenanting service is meant to mark the entering into a relationship with a congregation and most importantly with God.

Having been placed on a five-point charge (meaning there are five churches), getting to my covenanting service took a bit of time. I hadn’t made it to all the churches yet, but had been working for three weeks before we could gather all the church communities together for the covenanting and what would be my first communion service (on the other side of the pulpit)

There are no words to describe what that Sunday was like. There is just no words I could summon that would describe the love and support that I felt that day. To have all the congregations in one place ... well it just doesn’t happen often. And to hear them speak of journeying with me, honouring this new learning relationship, brought tears to my eyes. And then to help lead a communion service...

Having never having helped lead communion from behind the pulpit, I had never experienced how amazing it was. (I know I keep saying that... but really what other word can you use?) There was this palpitiable sense of the sacred. Our Celtic forebears speak of times such as this as thin spaces, when the barrier between us and the sacred is thin. I am still floored that I am able to doing this as part of my job. I am such a lucky girl!

Here are some shots from the wonderful day. Can you see the nerves? On the left is me standing at the pulpit prepping before the service. The centre pic of during the actual covenanting at York United with my LST (Lay Supervision Team). The final shot is me, my LST and my supervisor Joy after the service.

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