Saturday, February 13, 2010

One... Two....Three....

One of the wonderful sights that I can see out of my front bay window is the Covehead lighthouse. Situated in the National Park, the lighthouse was actually built in memory of American sailors who died in an awful sea gale there in the 1800’s. Build to prevent the same devastation again, the Covehead lighthouse shines on guarding the North Shore. My mother and I took a day, touring through the park and found ourselves parked and wandering around the lighthouse. The road that brings you to the lighthouse has a bridge on it.

On that bridge, stood two girls. They stood perched on the bridge, trying to jump into the water, being egged on by the boys who had clearly already jumped in. There they stood, starting into the water, unsure if they could jump. They would crouch down, as if they were going to jump and would chicken out at the last moment. Mom and I stood there watching, waiting to see if they would jump in or climb back over the guard rail and admit defeat. I was rooting for them to make the leap... even if only to prove they were just as tough as the boys.

And then quietly, the younger of the two reached her hand out and looked at the other girl. In unspoken words, they clasped hands, saying through their actions that together they could do it. Alone, the jump was too big, too deep and overwhelming. But together, together they might be able to do it. They both crouched down again and counted out-loud “One... Two... Three... Go!!”

As they plunged in, screaming the whole way, I thought that was just what I needed to see that. Here I was about to start something new, feeling rather alone on the edge. My mom would be leaving and then it would be just me on this 5-point charge, figuring out this ministry thing. But as time would quickly show me, I was not alone up there. The whole of the church community was up there, waiting to take my hand and jump in. We would jump in together. I shared this story with each one of the churches as I started my time with them. Inviting them to take a leap of faith with me.

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