Saturday, February 13, 2010

Green Gables; A dream realized

First, I should confess I have been an Anne fan since I first read about the iconic red-head when I was in grade two. Practically, every summer since then, I have returned to Green Gables, following in the adventures of Anne-Girl and Gilbert. I have always felt a certain affinity to Anne (clearly, look at the name of the blog) and have often been teased about it by friends and family. So, of course, when I found out that I was moving to the Island, I began dreaming of finally standing in front of the house that I had dreamed of and loved since childhood.

On my second day in the Island, my Mom and I trekked out to see Green Gables. Mom had warned me not to get my hopes up; remembering that it was not in great shape when she and Dad visited it many years ago. And I heard her warning, but couldn’t help but feel my heart pound with excitement as we left. As fate would have it, my house is a mere 15 minute drive away from Cavendish. (!!!)

We arrived bright and early, hoping to avoid the crowds of end of season tourists. We started out touring through a visitor’s centre with information about Anne’s creator, Lucy Maud Montgomery. My stomach flipped with Joy. After touring through there, you are invited to watch a video, narrated by LMM’s grandchildren about the site and Anne. As I sat there, I became overwhelmed. The reality of a childhood dream hit me. As tears began to fall down my face, I realized that Green Gables, really represented how far I had come and what a journey I was about to start. I tried to hide it, as there were others with us. But try as I might, as we excited the theatre about to see Green Gables, I couldn’t stop. Mom and I stopped, so I could collect myself before we saw it. See below for evidence of how that went....

Of course, that did not last long.... as soon as I saw it, I was reduced to a crying child. I was so moved and it couldn’t have been any better! In fact, it exceeded my imagination... and that is saying something, as I have a fabulous imagination, if I do say so myself. There was an odd sense of home-coming and proud newness there. We spent hours meandering that day. I spent a large chunk of it crying.... I am who I am, an Anne-fan who had her dreams realized as she crossed the threshold into a place and province that would change her forever.

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